Questions Many Parents Have About the Care of a Child's Teeth

Posted on: 14 March 2016


A child is never too young for a parent to consider the care and condition of their teeth and mouth. A paediatric dentist can examine your child's mouth and note any personalised advice you might need for keeping their teeth healthy, but you should consider some additional questions to ask the dentist during your appointment. This will ensure you get all the information you need to keep your child's teeth and mouth healthy, no matter their age.

1. Why fill the cavity of a baby tooth?

It may seem pointless to fill the cavity of a baby tooth since it will eventually fall out, but tooth decay can spread to permanent teeth, causing damage. Cavities in baby teeth can also make it uncomfortable for your child to eat, and they may experience pain from hot and cold foods and liquids. Rather than ignore a cavity in a baby tooth, consider having it filled as recommended by your paediatric dentist.

2. When should a child get sealants?

Sealants are plastic materials that get applied to a child's back molars, to fill in the cracks and crevices of these teeth. These sealants can keep food particles from getting caught in these crevices and, in turn, reduce the risk of cavities. Ask your paediatric dentist when he or she would recommend sealants for your child, as they're usually applied to permanent molars once they come in.

3. When should children begin to floss?

Typically it's good for children to learn to floss once their teeth grow so much that they start touching each other. This is when food particles can get caught between those teeth and encourage the buildup of bacteria; in turn, your child can then develop cavities. You will still need to supervise their flossing so they don't cut into their gums with the floss or miss any teeth, but don't assume you can wait until they're older before you teach them this important part of their oral health routine.

4. What increases a child's risk factor for getting tooth decay?

Many parents know that sugary beverages can increase a child's risk of tooth decay, but certain medications can also affect their oral health. Some medications might cause dry mouth, and saliva is necessary to rinse away food particles and bacteria. Note any medications your child is taking when you visit your paediatric dentist so he or she can advise you if this would cause added risk to your child's oral health.

For more information on how to care for your child's oral health, contact a paediatric dentistry like Redland Bay Dental Surgery Toothwise.