Typical Oral Problems Kids Develop That Should Have You Visit A Dentist

Posted on: 14 June 2019


Parents want the best for their children. And when it comes to their kids' health, they will do their best to ensure that they receive the proper medical care for whatever health problems that they develop. Nonetheless, one issue that tends to be overlooked is the oral health of the child. Dental care is not something that should be prioritised once your child develops their permanent teeth. In reality, their oral health should be focused on while their milk teeth are still in their mouth! Failure to do so can lead to treatable dental problems to worsen over time and possibly affect the overall wellness of your child. This article focuses on typical oral problems that kids develop that should have you visit a dentist immediately.

Oral decay

Decay tends to be one of the most common issues that affect children's teeth because they are not yet savvy in brushing their teeth appropriately. If food particles get lodged in between your child's teeth and are left there day after day, bacteria will thrive in these places and will create acids that eat through the teeth. Not only should you have a strict oral care routine with your child both morning and evening, but also you should also meticulously inspect the condition of their teeth on a regular basis so that you can catch any signs of oral decay early. You should note that if the oral decay is left unchecked, your child may need root canal therapy or complete tooth removal since their pulp will become infected. Furthermore, you should limit the amount of candy your child consumes since the sugar will form plaque on your child's teeth, which will harbour bacteria.


Also referred to as teeth grinding, bruxism is another condition that typically develops in children as their mouths are in their developmental stages. While this habit is involuntary, it can wreak extreme havoc on the structural integrity of your kid's teeth. Bruxism tends to affect children with misaligned teeth and will steadily grind down the crowns, which leads to tooth sensitivity, vulnerability to oral decay and crooked teeth. Additionally, bruxism can cause symptoms such as chronic headaches and jaw pain, which has a negative impact on their overall wellbeing. Although the frequency of the bruxism could decrease steadily as your child grows up, it is still crucial to ensure it is mitigated once they have developed it. Your family dentist will create custom mouthguards that your child can wear at night to keep their teeth from grinding.