2 Tips To Combat Potential Side Effects Of Teeth Whitening
Posted on: 17 July 2019
There are many reasons why people choose to get their teeth whitened. From celebrating the achievement of giving up smoking to wanting to have a better smile in family photos, teeth whitening is an effective and quick way to get the white teeth you desire. As someone who likes to be armed with the facts before heading to the dentist's office, you want to know what the potential side effects of teeth whitening are so you can avoid them if possible. Here are two common side effects you may experience after teeth whitening as well as advice to help deal with them.
1. Gum Irritation
The main cause of gum irritation is when the whitening product inadvertently comes into contact with the area where your teeth meet the gum line. Your dentist takes care to try and avoid this from happening, but due to the close proximity of the tooth to the gum, problems happen from time to time. There is no immediate way to stop the gum irritation; however, if you find it particular discomforting, return to your dentist so they can take a closer look at it. They may need to prescribe antibiotics or a numbing gel to help reduce gum inflammation. The potential to irritate the gum is the number one reason why you must let your dentist perform this process rather than trying to do it yourself with an at-home kit. You do not want to permanently damage your gums by inadvertently burning them with the whitening gel.
2. Sensitive Teeth
Another common teeth whitening side effect is sensitivity. The amount of sensitivity experienced is dependent on the individual. It occurs because the chemical used in the whitening process needs to penetrate deep into the tooth to remove existing stains. Sometimes, that chemical comes into contact with the tooth nerves, and this causes a painful reaction. Tooth sensitivity will fade within a week of the whitening being done. You can also purchase a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth from your supermarket or chemist. Additionally, avoid very hot and very cold foods and drinks from coming into contact with your teeth while the sensitivity settles.
Finally, if you still have concerns about whether you will experience any side effects from teeth whitening, make a consultation appointment with your dentist without committing to having the work done. They can examine the current state of your teeth and give you personalised advice on what to expect from the process.