Toothache? Here's What You Need to Do

Posted on: 4 January 2022

A toothache can drive you crazy. It's also a sign that something is seriously wrong inside your mouth. However, there is no need to panic if you experience this kind of pain. Follow these tips to deal with your toothache and protect your dental health. 1. Contact a Dentist A toothache is a sign that you are suffering from a cavity, an infection, or some other kind of dental health problem.
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5 Tips to Recover From Root Canal Treatment

Posted on: 4 January 2022

A root canal treatment can save a decaying tooth. The procedure itself should not be painful, as dentists use local anesthetic to numb your tooth, but recovery can be a little uncomfortable. Follow these five tips to recover safely and comfortably. 1. Use Appropriate Pain Relief Everyday pain medications like ibuprofen and paracetamol are both safe to use following a root canal treatment. You can use them in combination if you need to, but do not exceed the maximum dose of either.
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How to Tell If Invisalign Is Right for You

Posted on: 5 November 2021

Orthodontic treatment comes in various forms. One such form is Invisalign. Like all braces, Invisalign can move teeth and shift them into different positions in the mouth. But if Invisalign can do the same things that standard metal braces can do, then why not just choose metal braces? Invisalign has some important differences in appearance and function that may make them a better option for you, depending on your preferences or needs.
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How Your Dentist Is Becoming More Eco-Friendly

Posted on: 17 September 2021

Dentistry is a vital service, but like everything in the modern world, it leaves a carbon footprint that may be contributing to climate change. Fortunately, many practices are changing to eco-friendly ways of working. You may want to check how far your own practice has adopted these strategies. Waste reduction Dental clinics are like any other business in that they generate waste. Although this is unavoidable it can be limited, and its impact can be lessened by using biodegradable materials.
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